
Making the Call

You may be calling in yourself our many who give this as a gift, will call their loved one with the conference 2-way call in feature.

Before the call is started, we encourage you to think it over, or make a plan, review the lists of questions, or simply be yourself and enjoy a conversation that will be shared.

  • Speak directly into the telephone for the best recording quality.
  • Do Not use the speaker phone function as the recording will not be clear

When you call into the Toll Free number, you will be asked to enter the HonorStory Code number provided when the purchase is made.  You are then recording live.

You may talk for up to 1 hour.  Even a few minute chat is wonderful, so be yourself and enjoy the call.

An Email that will be sent after you Call

The following Email will be sent to the email addresses you enter (or copy and paste from your personal email account)

Hello from  “Your Name as entered “ has made a     recording and you can download it safely now

Click here to download the recording

Secure download by  encryption SSL ………..

Please download and then save this file onto your computer / device / memory space so you can listen to it at anytime


We provide the ability to make a recording that will be safely stored in the HonorStory system.  This saved recording can then be downloaded with the internet, by selecting an easy click link that will be sent to the email addresses that are entered.  It is the responsibility of the people or group making the recording and entering the email addresses, to know that what is said and recorded, can be heard and saved.  There is a limit of 25 separate download cycles of a recording.  If an email is forwarded to a different email address than was entered into the HonorStory site, the 25 download cycle limit will still apply.  HonorStory is not responsible to edit or change the recording(s) in any way, or to store the recordings for more than 6 months from the date of the recording.

How to purchase

When you click on the purchase link from any affiliated website or directly at, you will be able to:

  • Sign up, pay by Credit card / PayPal via an encrypted method
  • Receive a “Call In Code Number” that will also be emailed to you
  • Enter your email address and those of others that will receive an email from HonorStory, that will let them download the recording.
  • Enter the name of the person(s) that you are giving this gift to, and we will provide a Gift Certificate with their name and the Call In Code Number